The President’s Corner
By Debra Johnson
Orlando Central Florida Chapter STC
Techniques, methodologies, processes, and standards… or “TMPS” for short… are important to us as Technical Communicators and especially me right now as I am composing them at work as a part of establishing our TechComm discipline. Putting them together while actually performing daily work activities is a challenge. Since it is not possible for TMPS to apply to every possible scenario, it is important to have this information and have it be understood as guidelines for working practioners.
For my situation, TMPS are organized into different phases as they relate to our TC processes. Within each phase, contains a set of activities that should be completed by the Technical Communicator in the normal course of their job activities.
Associated to these activities are guidelines and/or required steps, tools and best practices to accomplish the activities and required deliverables, if applicable.
My reason for talking about this is highlight the role International STC, the STC Orlando Central FL Chapter and other communities and people I have met through STC play a huge part in constructing our TMPS. The years of experience in my chapter alone numbers in the centuries… I have been able to tap into that knowledge and experience.
It’s my “why”…why I am an active member, mentor, and volunteer for our chapter.
No one has all the answers… being able to tap into the expansive pool of knowledge is priceless. Take notice students and non-members. If you want a long fulfilling career… join us…volunteer…mentor. What you can gain as well as give to others is immeasurable.
So mark your calendars…the holidays are coming… we hope to see you at our annual Give Thanks! Dinner and Holiday Reunion! A fun relaxed way to network!!!!
We have a LOT to do and we need you! We need your input on making The Orlando Central FL chapter an even better community than it has been!
See ya at the next meeting!