Technical Communicators of Florida and Beyond,
This is it…the beginning of the 2018-2019 STC Florida year! After a successful July Leadership Retreat, where your officers and Administrative Council came up with new ways to help you, our members, get the most out of STC and our chapter. We have some exciting plans in store, which two of our articles delve into this month. So without further ado…
This month’s President’s Corner introduces our new chapter president, Bethany Aguad, who provides a first glimpse at the exciting plans in place for the coming year.
Next, Vice President Nick Ducharme gets us hyped up for our first meeting of the year, a virtual presentation straight from this year’s STC Summit. For more information and to RSVP, read Nick’s article or visit our Meetup page.
Last but not least, Misty Arner presents part 3 of her 4-part series reflecting on another ground-breaking year for our chapter’s student mentoring program.
Well, that’s all from me for now. I hope to see you at the meeting!
Catch you on the flip side,
Emily Wells
Editor, Memo To Members