By: Nick Ducharme
Editor, Memo to Members
STC Orlando Central Florida
As technical communicators and as members of STC, we’re always moving forward. We plan for upcoming meetings. We network with others both in and out of our field. We invest in professional development opportunities to learn about new best practices and new technologies.
Sometimes, however, we find strength in looking back. I would like to take a moment for that right now.
These past couple of months have given our chapter several causes to celebrate. We’ve recognized the accomplishments of some remarkable individuals, as well as a couple of chapter-wide feats. Let’s take a journey back in time together, to March and April of this year.
Distinctive Service Awards
On March 19th, at the beginning of our March Employment Panel meeting, our chapter thanked two outstanding members for their time and effort.

Alex Garcia, my STC mentor from the 2013–2014 school year and a previous editor of Memo to Members, accepted the professional-level Distinctive Service Award for his work as chapter Treasurer. Go Alex!
Lisa Bottomley, a former classmate of mine, accepted the student-level Distinctive Service award for her work as Co-Manager of the chapter’s Education committee under Dan Voss. The level of involvement she’s shown is truly remarkable, and unquestionably deserving of the award.
Pellegrin Awards
You know ’em. You love ’em. The Melissa Pellegrin scholarships were back again during the Risk Communications chapter meeting on April 16th, with two new recipients of the $500.00 prize! Congratulations to Alexandra Cata-Ross and to Allison Young (another former classmate) for joining a long and prestigious list of Pellegrin winners. Your names will be in good company on the honorary plaque at the University of Central Florida’s main campus.

Big News
Our chapter has done it again. Perhaps you heard through the grape vine, or even at the April meeting (or in Debra’s article above), but: We’ve broken our own record of STC Community of Distinction awards, moving the golden count from eight to nine! It appears that a banner change is in order for the newsletter.
And while we’re back on the subject of the future, there is…one last piece of business for the somewhat distant future.
You ready for this?
STC has announced that the 2018 summit will be in Orlando from May 20–23! The last time that our community had the privilege of a local summit was back in the year 2000, so let’s make the most of it! Start marking your calendars now, folks.
And remember to celebrate.