Four Young Rising Stars Will Represent the Florida Chapter
at the 2018 STC Summit in Orlando

By: Misty Arner
FTC Student Mentoring Program Co-Manager
Florida Chapter, STC
In case you missed us in the University of Central Florida Student Union on February 13, once again, we have successfully held another STC Florida Chapter monthly meeting.
At the “Royal” Purple Venue, four of the Florida Chapter’s young Rising Stars previewed the two presentations they are making at this year’s STC Summit in Orlando. Both presentations support the Summit theme: Communicating the Future. The first, scheduled for Leadership Day on Sunday, May 20, is Forging the Future: Tips and Tools for (Re)Building Your STC Community. The second—an Education Session slated for 2:10-3:00 PM on Monday—is Fueling Your Future: STC Experience Builds Professional Leadership Skills.
Alex Garcia, Crystal Brezina, Nick Ducharme, and Bethany Aguad presented a preview of the topics covered in both presentations to illustrate how taking advantage of leadership opportunities as young professionals within STC translates directly into leadership positions on the job.
Alex and Crystal described the Florida Chapter’s robust Active Membership Program, which informs strategic planning as well as encourages our members to take pride in their profession, which in turn helps us identify potential leaders. They announced the newly renamed Florida Chapter of STC, a new statewide community model that combines face-to-face and virtual meetings. They discussed the chapter’s Leadership Retreat, held at UCF, every Summer, where we introduce new leaders and discuss opportunities. This event is open to all members. In addition, the Florida Chapter holds Administrative Council (AdCo) meetings where we run our chapter business, monitor the budget, check the quality of program management, and set short-term goals. Both the Leadership Retreat and AdCo meetings allow for strategic planning and successful tactical execution. Alex and Crystal summarized how using STC’s Community Achievement Awards (CAA) strengthen the community, not to mention how wonderful it is to gain CAA recognition.
Nick and Bethany examined the Florida Chapter’s student mentoring program with UCF, and the benefits it provides to both students and the society academically and professionally. They presented a brief overview of the college scholarships and fundraising strategies. The Florida Chapter offers the Melissa Pellegrin Memorial Scholarship at UCF and the Suncoast Scholarship at USF that identify talent and offer advancement in the profession. The Florida Chapter also offers a Leadership Development Program, which diversifies skills and cultivates the next generation of leaders. Finally, Nick Ducharme and Bethany Aguad shared the success of our Memo to Members newsletter that reaches out to our community to engage members and recruit potential members.
We are excited to be hosting the 65th Anniversary and 2018 Society for Technical Communication Summit at the Hyatt Regency right here in sunny Orlando from May 20-23. To find out more about the Florida Chapter and the programs that will help fuel your future and the future of the Society for Technical Communication, visit our website!

Photo by W.C. Wiese