Technical Communicators of Florida and Beyond,
On this, my three-year anniversary as your Memo to Members editor, I would like to you all to know that it has been an honor to serve in this role. I mentioned back in December’s edition that I have decided to pass on this honor to a worthy successor so that I may explore other roles within the chapter. My successor and I have already initiated the knowledge transfer process, which will continue up to just before the May 20-23 STC Technical Communication Summit in Orlando. I will then hand over the reins once and for all. In fact, this edition of MtM was co-edited by my Newsletter Apprentice—a title that will soon be outdated, as she is rapidly mastering the craft.
So, without any further delay, I am pleased to introduce your new Memo to Members editor for mid-2018 and on. Please give it up for…
Emily Wells!

Emily, a recent University of Central Florida (UCF) graduate, has been very active in bridging the gap between our STC chapter and the Future Technical Communicators (FTC) club of UCF. In fact, she served as student co-manager (with STC Fellow Dan Voss) in coordinating our internationally recognized student mentoring program—which partners established technical writers with FTC students—through the 2016–2017 academic year and the first semester of the 2017–2018 year before transitioning that position to Misty Arner to take on her Newsletter Apprenticeship.
With her uproarious wit and proven dedication, I have no doubt that Emily will soon do great things as Communications Manager and Newsletter Editor for our chapter.
Holy segues, dear communicators! Speaking of FTC and UCF…
It’s time for our annual FTC/STC joint meeting at UCF!
FTC at UCF and the Orlando Central Florida (OCF) Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication (STC) will be hosting a mini-conference on technical communication on Tuesday, February 13 in the UCF Student Union 316A from 6:30-8:30 p.m. This year’s mini-conference will employ a rotational method of lectures called a progression. The meeting comprises three 25-minute miniature seminars at venues (aka, tables), each festooned with a balloon color-coded for the presenter’s subject.
Admission is free, and anyone interested in technical communication is invited.
The traditional multi-hued balloons will flutter above the six progression tables (a.k.a., venues) as the annual FTC/STC meeting comes to the Student Union Building at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 13, at UCF. The program is entitled “Reach the Summit—at the Conference and in Your Career.”
The focus of the February 13 meeting at UCF is on the upcoming 65th annual STC international conference coming to Orlando May 20-23 (Summit 2018) and on the diverse career paths available within the technical communication field.
Offering a wealth of knowledge conveyed in a carnival-like package, this informative and festive event combines professional growth. Admission is free—and it comes with catered refreshments from Chik-fil-A!
Like the “Pick a Path” career-oriented meeting at UCF last year and the content-oriented “Mining for Knowledge” meeting the year before, the February 13 meeting is in a progression format. Three rotations of six topics hosted at color-coded venues give attendees the opportunity to explore the upcoming Summit and take a look at career options within technical communication.
We offer more articles about this landmark event in this edition of MtM; just look for the FTC/STC banner as shown above!
Also in this edition:
- A word from our President, whom one might say is over the moon about the recent rocket launch!
- A word from our Secretary, with a recap of our blockbuster MadCap Flare presentation from January!
- A word from our Treasurer, with a public service announcement about the great opportunity for student volunteerism at the Summit!
Read on!
Nick Ducharme
Editor, Memo To Members