By Bethany Bowles
Mentoring Co-Chair/FTC Liaison
Orlando Central Florida Chapter STC
We now have a speaker for the annual joint meeting of the STC Orlando Central Florida Chapter and the Future Technical Communicators at UCF. Rhyne Armstrong who is the Director of Documentation at RouteMatch Software and an exemplary STC member has agreed to be our keynote speaker this January. Rhyne will be teaching us how to use social media to our advantage as technical communicators.
“How can you be an expert in communication of ANY kind by ignoring the biggest trend in communication in the modern era? Don’t.” –Rhyne Armstrong in Don’t Suck at Social Media at STC Summit 2012
Since many STC members are new to the world of social media, he will be giving a presentation similar to his excellent presentation at this year’s STC Summit. Rhyne also recently presented at the LavaCon Conference on “Monitoring Social Media for Documentation Customer Feedback.” He is creating a new presentation for us that will be helpful for technical communicators new to the world of social media while giving students a new perspective on its uses.
Mark your calendars to join us in learning more about this fascinating and relevant topic on Tuesday, January 15, 2012 starting at 6:00 pm in the UCF Cape Florida 316 (inside the Student Union). There will be no cost to attend the meeting, but there is a $5 charge to park on campus.