By: Mary Burns
Vice President
Orlando Central Florida Chapter, STC
It’s hard to believe April is upon us. Visiting a friend’s garden Saturday morning, I enjoyed the heavenly scent of jasmine blooming all over the back fence. Other flowers are popping out all over, from azaleas to zinnias. Each adds its unique color, texture, and fragrance to the Florida spring.
The technical communication field is similarly diverse. In STC and on the job, I’ve encountered people with experience in the sciences, aerospace, hospitality, real estate, education, human resources, and finance. One of my coworkers even documented a product that laid undersea cables.
I’m looking forward to exploring yet another species of our profession at this month’s presentation by Dawnell Claessen: risk communication. Like any technical communication, it involves telling people what they need to know, when they need to know it—but in situations where it really, really matters. These can include fighting terrorism, preventing disease, preserving health, dealing with disasters, or protecting a company from loss when a project or asset is at risk.
This topic promises to be anything but garden-variety, so I hope to see you at the April meeting!