By Debra Johnson, President
Orlando Central Florida STC Chapter
- National Garden Month
- National Poetry Month
- National Kite Month
- Jazz Appreciation Month
More importantly, April is the month the STC Orlando Central Florida Chapter distributes its ballot for Chapter elections to be held in May 2014 for officer positions and two director-at-large positions. The Nominating Committee has announced the following slate of officers for the 2014-2015 chapter year.
They are:
• President: Debra Johnson
• Vice President: Mary Burns
• Secretary: RD Sharninghouse
• Treasurer: Alex Garcia
• Director-at-large: Mark Wray
• Director-at-large: David Coverston
As you can see, these generous people have volunteered to keep the chapter running for another year… Hopefully, for another year of “Distinction”… and if you notice, they are running unopposed. (We need more people to volunteer to serve!)
Members, we ask you plan to attend this very important meeting and VOTE…thus supporting these unpaid servants to our community. Keeping this chapter up and running and providing services to its members requires not a whole lot of time… but defintely quality time to make sure whatever members and student members need as Technical Communicators is available to them.
Our chapter is important to Orlando Central Florida Technical Communicators as it provides support, growth opportunities, knowledge, and camaraderie. Elected officers begin their terms at the end of June’s chapter meeting.
NOTE: Just because you are not running for office, doesn’t mean you cannot volunteer in other ways to support the chapter and those who serve.
Members, you can submit your ballots in one of three ways. You can bring the ballot to the 15th of May meeting and complete it at the meeting, or submit your completed ballot by mail. (Mail ballots must use a double envelope – seal the ballot in the inside envelope. The sealed inside envelope protects voting privacy and should display your name, address, and STC membership number.) Mailed ballots must arrive by Tuesday, 13th of May. The chapter’s mailing address is Post Office Box 540444, Orlando, FL 32854-0444.
In order to vote in the chapter election, you must:
• Be a current member in good standing of the chapter
• Submit your ballot by 7:10pm at the May 15 chapter meeting.
— or —
Send your vote to by May 13.
Be sure to congratulate this year’s nominees and thank them for their willingness to serve the chapter…ask them how you can help them!