Virtual Networking Moved to Tonight and Problem Solvers Panel Next Thursday

Virtual Networking Moved to Tonight and Problem Solvers Panel Next Thursday

By Bethany Aguad

Happy Valentine’s Day! We are moving our February virtual networking meeting to tonight, February 15 at 7:30pm. You may have seen in Memo to Members that we are now choosing a topic for each month’s virtual networking meeting to guide the conversation. Tonight, we will be chatting about Black History Month!

This free virtual meeting is open to anyone who wants to network with others in technical communication and discuss the value of our profession. While our monthly educational programs provide an excellent source of information on technical communication, we would love the chance to get to hang out with friends and new faces from our chapter. Join us for a free networking social as we get together to talk STC Florida, technical communication, and networking!

Whether you are a chapter member or just interested in getting to know more, we invite you to use the link below to join us tonight at 7:30 pm on Zoom. This networking social will be facilitated by me and Julia Southwick.

Problem Solvers Panel: February 22 at 6:30pm

Our monthly chapter meeting is now scheduled for February 22 at 6:30 pm on Zoom. Join us at the Florida Chapter’s February meeting to bring up your toughest problem and hear our panelists’ advice. The RSVP link will be shared in Memo to Members shortly. 

Let’s face it, being a professional technical communicator in 2024 comes with its own unique set of challenges. Do any of these sound familiar to you?

  • Keeping up with rapidly evolving software tools and platforms, as well as emerging communication technologies.
  • Working with limited resources, including budget constraints, can impact the quality and effectiveness of communication deliverables.
  • Struggling to collaborate effectively with other departments, such as engineering or marketing, due to differences in priorities, communication styles, or understanding of technical content.
  • While you are communicating complex technical information in a clear and accessible manner, especially when dealing with intricate or specialized subject matter.

No, it’s not easy being us. And it can be even harder if you’re just starting out. Let our panelists help solve your problems next Thursday!

Bethany Aguad
STC Florida Chapter President

Zoom Details

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