By Sarah Baca
Vice President
Orlando Central Florida Chapter STC
I am so excited about the upcoming STC Orlando CFL Chapter year. Because of our membership survey, we have great information about what our members are interested in and what they would like to learn more about. We will be learning about new trends such as Agile Scrum Methodology in documentation, as well as conducting our regional mixers to connect with our fellow technical communicator friends.
This year we are being led by some of the most talented folks in our profession. I feel tremendously fortunate to be working with such great leaders. Our new president, Debra Johnson, has some great ideas about how to help our chapter be even more current and valuable to our members. The rest of the Executive Council is also ready for another great year. I can’t wait to see the friends I have made over the last few years and to make new ones.
I am looking forward to seeing many of you for our annual Washlines meeting in August. I hope you are as excited about the upcoming year as I am.
Sarah Baca