By Joy Carandang (mentee) and Julia Southwick (mentor)
As part of our mentorship, we wrote spotlights for each other.
Joy Carandang Member Spotlight
Joy is a graduate student who enjoys contributing to FTC’s newsletter and communications committee. She has a background in English Literature and obtained her Bachelor of Arts in English from the College of New Jersey. New to Tech Comm, she discovered her passion for professional writing after taking an undergraduate course where she collaborated with her peers to develop media kits and promotions for literary events. Recently, Joy has become interested in intercultural communication–specifically, how identity and culture shape the ways users understand and access documentation. In the future, she is looking forward to learning more about website localization and formatting which can change depending on the global audience.
You can contact Joy at or find her on LinkedIn!
Julia Southwick Member Spotlight

Julia is originally from a small town in North East Massachusetts called Georgetown. Her love of literature began as a child when her aunt introduced her to the Nancy Drew series. From then on, she would read as many books as she could. She is from a family of engineers and engineering-types. Her father and two brothers are engineers, and her mother studied engineering in college. In her spare time, she cares for her cat, Isabella.
Julia currently works at JHT as a Technical Writer and serves as the Vice President, Communications Chair, and Newsletter Editor for STC Florida.
You can contact Julia at or find her on LinkedIn!