By John Clement

Hi all,
It was a great year for the UCF Future Technical Communicators at UCF. Our community and its members experienced much growth, and we were able to make many memories together as a club. Not only did we celebrate two decades of FTC this year, but it quickly became one of FTC’s most active years in its history with an array of guest speaker meetings, two rounds of mentoring program kickoffs, attending the STC Summit, and more.
We recently published a comprehensive Year in Review article on our website to commemorate our program year. It lists, recaps, and shows pictures of our various events and programs from throughout the recent Fall and Spring semesters. You can read the article at the link below:
Year in Review article –

Additionally, we recently published the Summer 2022 edition of FTC’s newsletter, the last of the school year. It contains FTC news past, present, and future. This includes new publications written by our student members, a look into our club’s future plans, and a president’s and VP’s farewell message. Read all that and more by clicking the link below:
Summer 2022 Newsletter –
I’m grateful for every member, leader, and supporter who was part of the club experience this year. Thank you for being part of it and even just for taking interest in FTC. We can’t wait for what next year and beyond holds for our club and community.
All the best,
John ClementPresident,
Future Technical Communicators club at UCF