The students of FTC Florida have made some amazing accomplishments and STC would like to highlight them for what they’ve done. Each paragraph under a student’s name is a quote from them describing their accomplishments as posted in their discord group’s accomplishments channel.
Shout Out to the FTC Graduates
Congratulations to the graduates: Claire Arendas, Angela Kafka, and Skye Smith!
Rebecca Navas
I was published for the first time in the 32nd issue of the Cypress Dome! My personal piece, “Hospital Lights,” is featured in the creative nonfiction section. Accessing the document online is a little wonky so I can’t wait to pick up a physical copy next week!
Christian Garnett
I graduated last year but what I’m equally proud of is finishing chapter three of my webcomic this January. It’s not hard to put a free webcomic on a random website, but it’s not easy to make the comic itself.
It’s called Centimeter Tournament and I’ve been making it for about three years now. I’m hoping that it turns into something someday or at least gives me the skills to make a future comic that will go somewhere.
If I manage to find work in my major, I’ll make another post here for that too probably.
The important thing to me is that I was able to improve at drawing. Look at page 1 compared to page 70ish.
Page 1 Page ~70
Claire Arendas
Made it to the semi-final round of the Fulbright Indonesia Scholarship.. and then Covid cancelled everything! (pretending I won counts as an accomplishment no?)
Jesslyn Parrish
Not sure if conference presentations count, but I presented in SIGGRAPH’s Diversity & Inclusion Summit last August. Also I have my first publication coming out this summer (it’s a game review in the Journal of American Folklore)
Kurt Ramos
This past February, I presented research on how Registered Student Organizations have stayed connected via Discord in the age of COVID-19 for the Knights Write Symposium! I also presented the same research at the Student Scholar Symposium (f.k.a. the Showcase for Undergraduate Research Excellence). In both presentations, I made sure to make at least passing mention of my involvement with the FTC, as well as that RSO’s Discord layout!
Nancy Lopez
Thanks for making this section. I’m usually not one to brag, but I am proud of graduating from UCF last December. I’m the first person in my family to graduate college, so it was a big deal for both my family and me. I’m also proud of the last research project I did for @JD Applen’s ENC4414-Writing and Hypertext. I published my finished project on Internet Addiction on GitHub: I learned a lot about web code through this assignment and the class, and I continue working daily to improve my coding skills.
Shannon Maharajh

Never in a million years would I ever think of becoming an incoming technical writer intern for Lockheed Martin.
I was unbelievably nervous switching career trajectories. I had no idea what I got myself into thinking I would pursue technical writing. Reaching out to Sundus (Sunny) Alsharif and Barrie Byron while joining UCF Future Technical Communicators Club provided me with enough confidence to continue moving forward in the field of technical communication.
To anyone reading this, aspirations will happen at the right time. Patience and timing is everything not only for college, but for navigating life. I am closing the chapter of pursuing engineering while beginning a new one in technical communication.
Thank you to the aforementioned who have helped me prepare my first writing sample (including Genesis Alvarez).
I would also like to extend my thanks to Jack Molisani for helping me tweak my resume and allowing me to become part of STC-Florida.
I hope to look back on this post a few years from now and say “this was the best choice I ever made”.