Technical Communicators of Florida and Beyond,
Our state is still reeling from Hurricane Irma. Many are without power, water, or worse. In light of this, it may seem like an awkward time for a technical communication newsletter, but please bear with me. I have three items of great importance to share in this introduction. I’ll get right to it.
First of all, now is a great time to join or renew with the Society for Technical Communication! There is currently a promotion to join and get 16 months for the price of 12. Renewal rates are also discounted. Click here and benefit while it’s available!
Secondly, you might have heard that STC’s Technical Communication Summit is being held in Orlando in 2018. (It will be held on 20–23 May! Save the dates!) Are you interested in presenting a topic at the summit? The call for proposals is underway! Proposals are due by 11:59 PM EDT (GMT-4) on Wednesday, 27 September 2017. You can learn more about the submission process using these important links:
- Call for Proposals – learn about the general process, what we’re looking for, how to upload your proposal, and more.
- Summit Topics and Ideas – review a list of topic areas and ideas to inspire you.
- Session Types and Descriptions – submit either a presentation or a preconference workshop proposal. Submitters are limited to a total of two session proposal submissions and two preconference workshop submissions.
And finally, we have a very special meeting planned for you. How does a nice dinner and networking session sound as a way to get away from some of that post-hurricane stress? This is your chance to meet two representatives from STC’s international headquarters! Elaine Gilliam, the society’s Meeting Manager / Communities Staff Liaison, and Stacey O’Donnell, interim COO, are visiting to help prepare for the 2018 STC summit in Orlando. (Did I mention that the 2018 summit will be in Orlando!?)
Please join us at the Yard House Restaurant adjacent to the Orlando Eye. The meeting will be held this coming Tuesday, September 19th, from 6–9 PM. Please note this will be on a Tuesday instead of our usual Thursday. Most of all, please click here to RSVP!
There is also a fourth thing I hinted at last month, but wow, that was a mouthful. I’ll hold off for now.
All the best,
Nick Ducharme
Manager, Communications Committee