By: Crystal Brezina
Orlando Central Florida Chapter, STC
On Thursday, June 15, the STC Orlando Central Florida Chapter celebrated at Liam Fitzpatrick’s Irish Pub for their end-of-the-year banquet.
STC members came together to network with peers, acknowledge each other’s work in the chapter, and cast their ballots for the coming year’s officers. Awards were given for this year’s most active members and their contributions to the chapter.
One of the awards given to members each year is the STC active member shirt. Members receive these shirts by contributing their efforts to the chapter to earn a predetermined amount of points. Each year, the color of the shirt is revealed the night of the banquet, proceeded by oohs and ahs of all who attend. This year, the active member shirts were blue, the color linked to consciousness and intellect.
Members who have served the chapter in addition receive awards to show the chapter’s appreciation. President Alex Garcia presented several awards to members of all experience levels to show the diverse group of professionals committed to technical communication.
Combining the June banquet with the chapter election, Orlando Central Florida Chapter members voted in a landslide election for Alex Garcia as President, David Coe as Vice President, Bethany Aguad as Treasurer, and David Coverston and Karen Lane as Directors. The chapter also welcomed Crystal Brezina as our new Secretary for the 2017-2018 year.