By Mary Burns
Orlando Central Florida Chapter STC
Gratitude is a powerful emotion. It benefits the body as well as the spirit, according to a pamphlet sent by my medical insurance company praising the healthful effects of being thankful.
One more reason that the chapter’s “Give Thanks” dinner is such a great tradition. This year’s event was held November 19 in the Trophy Room at Culpepper’s Restaurant. Thirty-three members and guests attended, including many University of Central Florida students and alumni.
President Debra Johnson gave a short talk on Thanksgiving, noting that although its origins are “poorly documented” (laughter), clearly this year’s holiday is witness to many good things that 2013 has brought us—personally, professionally, and organizationally.
It was an evening of good food and spirited conversation, with best wishes for the holiday rounding out another successful observance of this chapter custom.