Memo to Members

Article Ideas

We’ve all been there: you want to write something but have no idea what to write. In times like that, I turn to friends and writing prompts for ideas. That’s why this page is here: to give you ideas for what to write about! Please read the list of ideas- you may find one you like or that sparks a different idea for an article.

  • Member spotlights – this is a chance to show off what you have done in technical communication so far and what you hope to do in the future. Too intimidating? Try writing about someone else instead!
  • Diversity Month – write an article about a Diversity Month. See our previous posts for examples.
  • If You Missed Last Meeting – summarize what happened in the last meeting. This can be a couple of sentences or a couple of pages depending on how much detail you want to go into. We will also provide a link for you to include in your article to the recording of the meeting.
  • Hobby Based Article – relate a hobby to technical communication. If you would like an example of how this can be done, please see my article “Dungeons and Dragons and Technical Communication”.
  • Profile a technical writing employer in a short article for MtM.
  • Review a technical book or guide for MtM.
  • Write a short review of one or more tech comm websites of interest for MtM and/or the FTC newsletter.
  • Write a software review for Memo to Members and/or FTC newsletter/website.

Please contact me at to let me know what you’re interested in writing and to submit what you’ve written!

I look forward to publishing your work!

Julia Southwick

STC FL Vice President, Communication Chair, & Newsletter Editor