From the Editor’s Desk

From the Editor’s Desk

Technical Communicators of Florida and Beyond,

This month is a complicated one. I suspect I am not alone in having so much to say, yet with no clue about how to express it. But this wouldn’t be a very good opening if I didn’t try!

One year ago, on 12 June 2016, the collectively-beating heart of Orlando was thrown into cardiac arrest by a single person’s act of mass-cruelty and hatred at a place that had served as sanctuary for so many. The lives of 49 people were lost, and countless others were irrevocably changed.

That could have been the end of this story. Orlando, a tragic city whose Pulse was gone forever. But as the sun rose that morning, our community’s heartbeat came surging backeven while the hemorrhaging of our confusion and sorrow was at its peak. Officers on the scene and medical staff helped bring the immediate situation under control. Eligible donors stood in line for hours to give of their own blood. Volunteers, donations, and all forms of unimaginable support came pouring in from all over the world. Vigils, financial aid, and other services for those most affected became available shortly thereafter. We were Strong, and we were United. We rose to the occasion.

This week marks the one-year anniversary of the Pulse mass-shooting. Many wounds, both physical and emotional, are still in various stages of healing. Many will continue to be so for a long time. Many will leave lasting scars. But this week should also remind us of a time when we brought our hearts together, beating as One Orlando. This, too, will be a part of us for several years to come. Our newfound togetherness and overflowing love mark our true legacy. And that is why we will continue to persevere against the numerous challenges we face.


The STC (Orlando Central) Florida Chapter has a tradition every June. We hold a banquet to acknowledge our accomplishments during the past chapter year, and we look to the future as our newly elected officers take on their roles. It is a time of joy and congratulations over good food and beverages. But from now on, I also plan to think of every June banquet as a celebration of our amazing community in its entirety. The people who comprise not just our chapter, but also the broader community we serve, are the lifeblood that makes our home a special place to live.


Please click here to RSVP for the banquet and select a menu option. Join us this Thursday evening, 15 June, at Liam Fitzpatrick’s. You are also welcome to bring a loved one.


This edition features a word from our Chapter President about the 2018 STC Summit in Orlando, a 2016 Financial Report from our Treasurer, a recap of May’s chapter meeting from our Secretary, and a piece about our chapter’s legacy (not to mention our future) from our Education Committee Manager.

This is our last issue before Memo to Members takes its scheduled summer break. When we resume in the fall, I will be a married man, and our chapter will be gearing up big-time to host the summit. I’m thrilled for the adventures that await just ahead!

With love,

Nick Ducharme
Editor, Memo to Members






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