STC OCF Announces Inaugural “Pan-Florida” Chapter Meeting

STC OCF Announces Inaugural “Pan-Florida” Chapter Meeting

Rhyne Armstrong Presents September 17

09_2015_SilosBy: Dan Voss

One small step for a local Florida chapter, one giant leap for Florida STC-kind!

Popular STC speaker Rhyne Armstrong returns to Central Florida on September 17 to give a special Halloween version of his conference presentation “Broken Silos: Destruction for the Sake of Your Users.”

So how is Rhyne going to impart a gothic twist to broken silos in the workplace? Well, knowing Rhyne, there’s no telling, but it certainly isn’t something you’d want to miss!

The dynamic and colorful Rhyne is no stranger to the Orlando Central Florida Chapter, having been our featured speaker at our annual January meeting at the University of Central Florida (UCF) both in 2013 and 2014.

So what makes his third visit a giant leap for STC in Florida?


The entire STC population in Florida is invited!


Leveraging shared-meeting technology, the OCF Chapter has opened the September meeting to all STC members in Florida. Rhyne’s presentation will be “broadcast” from OCF’s new chapter meeting venue—the International House of Pancakes just down the road from UCF. The IHOP has given us free use of an excellent set-apart meeting space fully appointed with wifi and audiovisual equipment as long as we order pancakes or other fare from their 24-hour menu.

The virtual meeting launches an initiative of the OCF Chapter and the Suncoast Chapter—currently in the planning stage—to conduct a series of hybrid face-to-face/virtual meetings during the 2015-2016 chapter year. One chapter will provide the speaker and “broadcast” the program from its physical meeting space; the other will also meet F2F in its meeting space and patch in to the program remotely.

Virtual invitations will also be extended to STC members statewide. No charge will be assessed for virtual attendees, although donations to the host chapter will be gratefully accepted! 🙂

To enjoy “Rhyne Online” on September 17, simply register at the OCF EventBrite site, and we will provide you with the access code for the program, scheduled to start at 7 p.m.

Rhyne’s presentation explains how silos can be bad for employees but can be downright dangerous for users. He will address questions such as “Who drives the conversation?” “Who does quality control?” “What happens when there are leaks, or even worse, when some sort of blockage causes information to back up in your organization?”

He will talk about how we can break down the silos of communication and ensure the flow of content reaches those who depend upon it for their jobs.

In this real-life case study, Rhyne will discuss how a communications department created a multi-team approach to content creation, and how it developed a single tool for content distribution and a single place for marketing, support, and documentation.


About the Speaker

09_2015_RhyneArmstrongRhyne Armstrong is director of documentation at RouteMatch Software. He has 20 years of experience in the technical communication field, often moving from the core discipline of technical writing to the outlying roles of corporate communication, product marketing, and user experience design.

Over the past several years, Rhyne has consulted on social media and social networking strategies for several organizations and individuals. He is known for his head-first dives into emerging technologies and communication trends.

Rhyne is a senior member of STC, and he has served on the Community Affairs Committee (CAC). He is a “frequent flyer” speaker at STC’s annual international conference, the Summit, and he has shared his conference presentations in many local venues as well.

Rhyne lives in Cumming, GA, where he spends most of his time shuttling his four kids to soccer, ballet, or gymnastics. He typically brings one of them along on his sorties to Central Florida—we don’t know who’ll get the nod this time.

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